Mark Rolle

Mark Rolle

Meet Mark, a seasoned outdoor enthusiast and adventure guide with a passion for conquering new heights. With a wealth of experience in various disciplines including hiking, abseiling, sport, trad and ice climbing. Mark has spent years honing his skills and sharing his expertise with others.

As a certified Trainer and Assessor, Mark is focused on developing outdoor skills. He holds certifications in Adventure Guiding, First Aid and Assessing, and is dedicated to delivering high-quality SAOA training programs that equip individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. He is committed to helping others achieve their goals and reach their full potential in the outdoor industry.

Mark is an Active MCSA member and is the MCSA Jhb Meets convenor, is on the Sport Climbing sub-committee and is an active Mountain Search and Rescue member.

Technical Guiding Qualifications

  • Generic Adventure Site Guide qualification with the following skills.
  • NQF Unit Standard 9283 Abseil Guide up to 60m.
  • NQF Unit Standard 9285 Provide a guided single-pitch rock climbing experience.
  • NQF Unit Standard 9288 Full Mountain Walking Guide, unlimited scope including off-trail, overnight and steep ground.
  • Tourist Guide Registration number: GP6309, National including all provinces.
  • Certified Assessor

Mark Rolle

Other Qualifications

  • BSc (hons) Engineering Electrical